Half Day Hands on One on One and Half Day Observation

A half day, hands-on, One on One, Individually tailored training session followed by a half day observation session.
1 day
At your location
Contact us to book


A premium day designed just for you. Invest in your injecting and consulting skills with Mike Clague.

First 4 hours - Observe Mike in his daily treating and consulting of patients. Understand how he assesses a patient and then creates individual treatment plans. Observe full consent of patients. Understand when to refuse filer treatments with a new patient registration form. Walk away feeling more confident to treat your patients.

Second 4 hours – Designed for you. We discuss your needs one month prior to your day. We then arrange products and models for you to treat with Mike, one on one. This is our most popular course. In terms of value, it cant be beaten. Many clients come back yearly with a new set of questions for their clinical skills and business skills.

Key benefits of attending this course include:

  • Hands on training
  • Models supplied
  • Product supplied
  • Designed FOR YOUR needs not a group
  • Clinical papers you may need
  • Slides you may need
  • Interview before and after the session to assess needs and outcomes
  • Patient registration form review
  • Treatment planning tips
  • Usage of materials to educate patients
  • Understanding the importance of before and after photos in a consultation
  • Much more

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Achieve the goals we set out in our initial discussion
  • Could be across fillers, anti-wrinkle injections, lasers, business, treatment
    planning and much more?
  • Understand the patient registration form – when to refuse treatment for safety
    reasons (such as dental cleaning in the last few days)
  • Understand full consent for treatments with fillers and anti-wrinkle injections
  • Be able to assess a patient in full
  • Be able to create treatment plans – 3 appointments at a time
  • Understand how to present solutions and pricing
  • Safety – a review of techniques and published data to enhance patient safety

Price $3000 per student ex GST – FULL DAY- ONE Student ONLY

Workshop details at a glance

Target Audience:

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Ready to see your team thrive?
Start with the

Half Day Hands on One on One and Half Day Observation


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