Anti-wrinkle injections - Advanced one-on-one

Do you really know how to perform anti-wrinkle injections?
1 day
At your location
Contact us to book


Do you really know how to perform anti-wrinkle injections? For the full face? 7 site glabella? Vs 5 sites? Frontalis? What do you do? Orbicularis Oculi – Crows feet and ‘shelfing’? How do we avoid this frozen look? We will teach you the most advanced injecting techniques for anti-wrinkle injections. Facecoach offers honest techniques for best patient outcomes.

Key benefits of attending this course include:

  • Upper face – Frontalis is a beast – how do you treat it predictably?  
  • Crow’s feet and shelfing? 
  • Glabella – advanced or basic? 
  • Consultation tips, anatomy, injection protocols
  • Lower face – anti-wrinkle injections – consultation tips. Anatomy, injection protocols 
  • Handling adverse events
  • Hands on models
  • Upper face anti-wrinkle injections - advanced 
  • Lower face – anti-wrinkle injections - advanced
  • Safety – adverse events and how to handle them
  • Consultation tips and treatment planning

By the end of this course you should be able to:

  • Treat the upper face with confidence
  • Treat the lower face with confidence
  • Understand how to avoid compliactions with anti-wrinkle injections
  • Understand and be able to perform full consent and treatment plan for full face toxin

Workshop details at a glance

Target Audience:

We will teach you the most advanced injecting techniques for anti-wrinkle injections. Facecoach offers honest techniques for best patient outcomes.

Delivery Format:

The workshop will be delivered in-person at your company's location. Sessions can be customized to align with your team's schedule and availability.


The workshop typically spans one full-day session, lasting approximately 6 to 8 hours each. However, we offer flexibility in workshop duration to accommodate your team's schedule and preferences.


All workshop materials, including handouts, presentation slides, and additional resources, will be provided to participants either in advance or during the workshop session, depending on the format chosen.

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Anti-wrinkle injections - Advanced one-on-one


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